Member Event Benefits

service business owner

Service Alliance Group member events help you connect to the community in a variety of ways.

Learn new skills, get inspired by industry leaders, or get discounts on industry conferences.

Online And In-Person Events For Service Companies

Learn new skills, get inspired by industry leaders, or get discounts on industry conferences.

Our goal at the Service Alliance Group is to offer our members an opportunity to connect directly and indirectly, in order to grow revenues, capabilities, and service offerings. Members and prospective members alike have the opportunity to attend our monthly roundtable meeting.

Not a member yet? Join today and start growing your service company.

Ask Me Anything AMA Events

Service Alliance Group’s Ask Me Anything events are a chance to have a question answered by an expert within the service company community.

Our AMA Series offers a chance to get your questions answered

Service Alliance Group’s AMA Series is a virtual interaction program to connect students directly to employers and our staff members to answer your service company’s business-oriented questions. The experts in our line-up span many service companies and are ready to answer all your questions. Service Alliance Group members will moderate these informal virtual gatherings, which will take place virtually (via StreamYard). The video function should be used for interactive engagement, but it is not mandatory. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to use the video function. You can also submit questions during the session in the chat feed.

Ask me anything

Round Table Discussion Groups

The Service Alliance Group’s Round Table Discussions are a series of monthly round table discussions that bring together service providers from different industries to discuss topics relevant to their businesses.

What is a roundtable discussion?

Roundtable discussions provide great opportunities for learning and networking. Roundtables are also a great way to gather different perspectives on a subject. A moderator usually asks questions and then lets everyone speak their thoughts. Roundtable discussions are open to anyone who works for or owns a home service company. Each roundtable takes place once a month.

How it Works

A roundtable usually consists of ten to fifteen people. Each group gets a topic or issue to address. Roundtables are held on a monthly basis. Members can sign up at any time. Our goal is to provide you with a safe space to learn from one another.

roundtable discussion groups

Mastermind Series

The Service Alliance Group’s Mastermind Series is designed to help service providers grow their businesses through collaboration and education. A successful business needs to grow. There are others going through the same thing and you have to learn to hold yourself and others accountable. Network and share ideas with other business owners.

What is a mastermind group?

The purpose of a mastermind group is to solve problems together. There are usually five to six members in these groups. These individuals give and receive advice and support from one another. A mastermind group is different from a mentorship program because mentors teach others how to do things, whereas masterminds help others understand what to do.

The Service Alliance Group Mastermind Series is a group that meets regularly to discuss ideas and problems. Topics discussed usually include education, brainstorming, marketing, and business issues.

By participating in the Service Alliance Group mastermind series, business owners will become more familiar with issues and opportunities that are important to them.

mastermind group series


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