Member Testimonials

Below are various testimonials and social comments from our members about various areas and services we have to offer.

Social Proof

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Additional Member Testimonials

Paid Member Comments

For the All Access Membership, just the sops are worth it, in my opinion.

I got in on the intro rate, way more content than Appliantology for the same cost.

I paid more for other services just for tech sheet access that I have since canceled a couple, so I actually saved money with the Service Alliance Group.

To be honest I joined just for the business side of things and because I believe what you are doing has shown success.

The personal service and response time on manual requests is impressive.

Very personable. I don’t know a sole on my other memberships. They just take my money. Here, I feel like I know a lot of the people that frequent the page, and if I needed help I could reach out to any of them and would get a timely response.

Definitely more personal interactions within the Service Alliance Group. Some of the other trade organizations you only see the other members once a year if you’re lucky to attend a convention.

The service manual search function is by far the easiest I’ve ever seen.

The amount of information in one place is unsurpassed.

Huge bang for your buck.

All Access is pretty damn cool.

Facebook Groups

Seems like the guys in the Alliance groups are much more welcoming and try to get guys to contribute and network with each other more than other groups.

Since Appliance Alliance is nationwide and worldwide, I really enjoy the opportunity to compare our market to other servicer’s markets. This is an advantage I have not been able to find anywhere else and everyone is so forthcoming with information. We do not look at each other as competition, we see each other as brothers in arms just trying to help each other out.

I love the breadth of knowledge of the other experience experienced members.

I love the wealth of knowledge provided by all and the friendliness of most people and all moderators.

I love that people are out there helping others with no obvious benefit other than doing the right thing. Most of us work alone all day, I love seeing others dealing with the same things I am. I love seeing people encouraging a high level of service and building collective pride in our underrecognized trade.

I like that everybody is eager to help and answer questions for answer a question for technicians that are stuck on the job they job thank you to everybody for spreading the knowledge

I love the overall willingness to try and make the industry better as a whole. Especially trying to help technicians better themselves and better their service.

I like that there are many knowledgeable people with different points of views and ideas. I like that people tend to be quick to respond and be helpful.

Podcast Comments

I can say… I come away with something new pretty much every video, that either I hadn’t thought about or something I need to get to, or try, or read, think about, plan for or learn. It’s overwhelming at times. But in a good “make me think” way.

I love the morning prayer and inspiration to get up in the morning and get to work.

I love the original podcasts for the content. I really enjoyed the interviews and would listen to them when driving. I love the morning grind for the fellowship and the chance to interact with each other. Plus the business content.

Bringing people together in the morning to start the day, its a good jump start.

I love feeling like I am on the right track along side some of the best in the industry.