February 3, 2022 – The Service Alliance Group is pleased to announce its recent acquisition of the Appliance Tech Manuals website (https://appliancetechmanuals.com) and all its assets.

cropped appliancetechsheets logo copy

The Service Alliance Group has a mission to elevate the service industry to a higher standard with its upcoming tech support and business development resources. The acquisition of appliancetechmanuals.com will allow the Service Alliance Group to expand membership benefits for all of our current and future members.

The Service Alliance Group has some big plans for the future of the Appliance Tech Manuals website and its members. This announcement was created to help our curious community to know what to expect. So let’s get into the details and answer some questions.

How will the acquisition affect the existing services?

In the short term, hardly at all. We have not changed the services in any way. The search features and document content has not been affected in any way. YET!
The only changes that have been made are the following very minor tweaks:

  • We have eliminated the user forum.
    Why? Barely anyone had previously used it and it offered zero value for existing members.
  • We have added a new member-only support form.
    This form isn’t really noticeable but we changed it to a better system.
  • Updated tech manual request form.
    We have updated the tech manual request form to include additional information (including images) so we can better support our member’s requests for manuals. This will help us to more accurately provide the correct documents that members need.
  • We added a contact us form.
    It was surprising that there was not any public contact form on the website. So if a member had an issue with a password reset or a non-member had a question regarding the services, there was not any way to contact anyone. So we have added a public contact form to the website to accommodate these visitors.

How will members benefit from this acquisition?

The Service Alliance Group has been working very hard on a new membership portal solution for the appliance tech manuals search. We also have multiple people available to help with support inquiries. Keep reading on to find out more about what’s coming.

Will this acquisition affect recurring payments?

Unfortunately, yes. The acquisition required us to change credit card processing accounts. Due to this, all existing subscriptions were set to expire at the end of their term. Simply signing up for a new subscription will get things back on track for your account.

Who will be the contact for support?

The previous owner of the website is no longer involved and has no ability or authority to support any members of the Appliance Tech Manuals website.

If you require support, please log into your account and submit this form. The support team at Service Alliance Group will be happy to assist you.

Who will be the contact if I have additional questions?

We understand that there may be additional questions that are not addressed here. We’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact us at the following form.

What changes should I expect in the near future?

Once the new membership portal is ready, members will have access to more than just appliance tech manuals. Members will enjoy increased benefits including the following:

  • Appliance Tech Manuals Library
  • HVAC Tech Manuals Library
  • Plumbing Tech Manuals Library
  • Enhanced search functionality
  • Priority Support Channel
  • 5 person support team

The best part is, there is not going to be any additional cost for these additional benefits and support for our early adopters. You’ll be grandfathered in at the same price.

How do I get notified when the new membership portal is ready?

All past and present members will be notified via email announcement when the new membership portal is ready. If you want to make sure you are signed up for our newsletter, you can get on the list here.

What do we need from members?

All we ask is that you please be patient with us as we work hard to bring you more features, benefits, and support. We are open to feedback and suggestions and we look forward to serving our members. We are so excited about what is coming and we are working very hard to get it ready as soon as possible.

Thank you!
The Service Alliance Group Team