If you own a home appliance repair service business but don’t have much experience or capital for expensive marketing campaigns. How would you go about marketing your business without having to spend thousands of dollars? Starting a new business takes a lot of effort and money, which goes double for repairing appliances.

There are several ways to market an appliance repair business without spending a fortune. In the appliance repair industry, many businesses fail because appliance repair business owners don’t start with a solid marketing strategy. Use these appliance repair marketing ideas to get started with minimal startup costs.

Here Are 9 Tips on How to Market an Appliance Repair Business

There are many ways to market an appliance repair company without spending a fortune. Many individuals who have built their businesses online are doing so because they can offer the same offers at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing methods. Here are some of the most effective appliance repair business ideas.

Create a Business Plan

A business marketing plan is one of those things that people think they don’t need. They believe they know what to do and are sure to figure out how to make it happen without having to write down exactly what they intend to do. But many businesses fail because they never got around to creating a written document. So if you are sincere about having a small business, you must start with a business marketing plan.

The most important reason you need a business plan is that it forces you to clarify what you want. You might already know what you want to do, but it’s much easier to set goals and focus on achieving them if you know where you’re heading. Writing down your vision helps you to see yourself clearly, and gives you something concrete to work towards.

Add Your Location

The appliance repair industry is becoming increasingly popular because they offer affordable, simple repairs and better customer satisfaction. In addition, they are usually located just outside the city center, with less traffic and parking problems. However, most do not have special tools or equipment and rely mostly on local parts and materials. Therefore, they cannot compete with companies offering various products and professional services.

One of the best ways to attract customers is to ensure you are visible to them. First, you must set up a sign with your location information and contact number. Make sure the sign is visible from the road. If possible, try to put a picture of your face on the sign. This shows you care about your reputation and want to maintain good relations with your clients.

If you live near a busy street, consider setting up a shop in front of your house. Most homeowners pay little attention to what happens in front of their houses. Instead, people see reliable refrigerator brands and different types of appliances being repaired, and they stop to ask questions. A small garage is perfect for this type of operation.

Let Your Clients Know the Services You Provide

When deciding which services to offer your customers, there are many factors to consider, including how much it costs to run each excellent customer service, what kind of technology and upscale features you need to provide them, and whether there is sufficient demand for appliance repair service providers, etc.

You should consider the different aspects, such as how much it costs to operate each service for simpler machines, what equipment you use, whether there is enough demand for the service, and whether it makes sense to add a washing machine repair service to your lineup.

If you want to ensure your business offers the best services possible, here are some tips so you can pick what’s appropriate for you.

The first step is to determine what kinds of household appliances people need. You don’t want to sell a product type that no one wants. For example, you won’t know which type to recommend if someone asks for a refrigerator but doesn’t specify whether they want a side-by-side, bottom freezer, or upright model. So instead, find out what types of high-end appliances people need and decide which one you think best fits their needs.

You might already know what your competitors do well, but you need to see how they handle specific situations, such as online complaints about poor customer service. This way, you can figure out what questions you need to answer when someone calls about a poor customer service issue. For example, if you think your competitor always recommends a particular appliance brand, you can learn why and adjust accordingly. Or maybe they suggest a certain type of repair because it’s easy and quick, whereas you prefer to spend more time fixing something properly.

Build Your Soft Skills

Starting a small appliance repair business requires certain skills. First, you must know what you’re doing, which will help you get some experience. But even without experience, you can still learn the basics of this service industry. Here are five vital skills every appliance repair technician needs.

Self-Motivation Skills

Self-motivation plays a big role in sticking with a task over long periods. For example, you won’t want to do it if you don’t like working. Unfortunately, many people procrastinate because they lack motivation. To overcome procrastination, you need to find something that motivates you. For example, you could make yourself a list of reasons why you want to open up your appliance repair shop. Or you could set goals for yourself. Once you’ve identified your motivations, you’ll have a better chance of sticking to them.

Customer Service Skills

Communication is key to customer satisfaction, thus, preventing poor customer service. For example, even though the top-10 reliable appliances break down at inconvenient times, you can’t just ignore your customers’ service calls. That is poor customer service. You should fix those broken fridges, afterall.

Instead of ignoring them, you need to communicate clearly and politely. Make sure you understand what your customers are saying and respond appropriately. In addition to communication, you also need to handle customer problems professionally.

Appliance repairers often deal with angry customers, so developing good listening and problem-solving skills is important. Customers are often frustrated with broken appliance types, and losing your cool is easy. However, anger management techniques can help you remain calm and professional.

Take Advantage of Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best-known means to promote your appliance repair business online. Email marketing can build strong customer relationships with your existing client base and attract new ones. In addition, it helps you connect with your target market, provide information about your innovative product types and services, and promote durable refrigerator brands.

What’s great about email marketing is that it costs nothing to send out emails. This makes it a very affordable option compared to traditional advertising methods like TV ads, radio spots, print advertisements, etc. This way, you can tell them about the durable features of the variety of products you offer without giving them the hassle of going to your shop.

You can start sending emails immediately without waiting for approval from a third party. In addition, upon setting up your account, you don’t have to worry about paying monthly fees.

There are no monthly fees associated with email marketing unless you want to go beyond the free and flashy features offered by most providers. Some popular providers include MailChimp, Constant Contact, HubSpot, iContact, and Active Campaign.

Tap Into Your Online Reviews from Consumers

Online customer reviews and testimonials are important in helping consumers make purchasing decisions. For example, a Consumer Reports National Research Center study found that 90% of people use online customer reviews and testimonials to determine whether to buy something from appliance repair professionals.

The problem is that many reliable appliance repair professionals don’t take advantage of this rewarding opportunity. Instead, they send generic emails saying, “Thanks for your feedback.” But it doesn’t matter what you say; you’re not going to convince anyone to buy from you unless you show them why they should trust you. So here are some tips to help you get your target audience to write consumer reviews on the web.

Ask Your Customers For Feedback

You might think you’d lose customers if you asked them to provide feedback, but you’ll gain them. When you ask your customers to write consumer reviews, they feel important, valued, and appreciated. This leads to repeat purchases because they know you care enough to listen to their opinions.

Get Their Attention With A Good Subject Line

When someone receives a consumer review request, they’re likely to open it immediately. So if you use a subject line like “Here’s What I Did To Make You Feel Like Family,” you’ll stand out among competitors who say, “Review us!”

You Can Tag Your Clients

You can also get testimonials from your social media followers. Make sure to tag your client in the photo and mention his name. When he sees how happy his family and friends are with your service, he might feel compelled to leave a review himself.

Take Advantage of Free Online Directories for Appliance Repair Business Owners

Business directories are great resources for local businesses looking to promote themselves online. While there are many different types of directory sites, one of the best sources for free listings is simply asking people you know to recommend it. You don’t have to pay anything to list yourself; ask around and see what works. The key to ensuring your listing gets seen is by being thorough.

Yellow Pages

The Yellow Pages, or YP, is the internet version of the yellow pages arranged according to business categories, such as restaurants, doctors, etc. You can find business listings within each category with loads of features, including contact information, hours of operation, consumer reviews, service call rate, ratings, photos, maps, directions, and more.

While you do not need to pay anything to use the site, many people are willing to pay extra to receive promotional offers via email and text messages.


Yelp is a free online directory where people can write reviews about local businesses. You can use Yelp to find restaurants, dentists, doctors, salons, hotels, bars, hair stylists, auto repair shops, etc. In addition to posting excellent customer service reviews, you can upload pictures of your business and add special offers service call rates.

You can also see what your friends say about the places you frequent. If you like something, you can give it a thumbs up or comment on its excellent customer service.

For example, if you’re a professional plumber, you might want to add a review of your work. It’s a great way of letting potential customers know what you’ve done for them in the past. But, again, this is to nurture relationships with customers.


Angie’s is another great resource for finding quality appliance repair professionals in your area. Their site provides ratings and reviews of local contractors, handypersons, electricians, painters, landscapers, and others.

Google Business Profile

If you wish to start a new appliance repair business, it’s important to ensure that you’re properly represented online. If you don’t take advantage of Google My Business, you could miss out on potential customers. This tool allows appliance repair business owners to register their contact details, photos, hours of operation, location, and more. You can even add a map pin to show your store’s location.

Log into Google My Business and select “Add New Listing.” From there, you’ll be asked to provide basic information about your business, such as name, address, contact numbers, hours of operation, and more. Once you’ve completed this step, you’ll be prompted to verify your business ownership. This verification usually involves providing a physical piece of mail sent to your business address, confirming your identity through a phone call, or sending a postcard to your business address.

Once verified, you’ll have access to loads of features to ensure your business appears well in both Search and Maps. You’ll be able to edit your business description, upload images, and write blog posts. Suppose you want to use Google My Business to promote yourself, improve customer relationships and widen your social media presence. In that case, you’ll be able to include social media profiles and links to your website.


Manta is a directory designed to help small businesses promote their product types, such as automatic washing machines and services, online. This resource has loads of features, allowing you to upload your contact information, including your email address, phone number, and physical address. You can also add images, videos, and blog posts about your business. In addition, Manta makes it easy to connect with potential customers.

The idea behind Manta is pretty simple: it gives people a one-stop shop to find what they want — a restaurant, a dentist, or a plumber — without having to go through dozens of different sites. There’s no registration required, and once you’ve uploaded your info, you’ll see how easy it is to reach potential customers. You can even add photos to make your listing stand out.

You don’t need to worry about being charged for anything either; Manta doesn’t take a cut of any sales generated from listings. Instead, the site takes a percentage fee based on the number of visits each listing receives. So, if someone lands on your listing and decides to contact you, you’ll receive a commission for that sale.

There are plenty of things that set Manta apart from similar directories. First off, it’s completely free to use. Of course, if you’d rather pay for advertising space, you can do that too, but it won’t cost you a dime. Another thing that sets Manta apart is that its mobile device responsive. You can easily access everything from your phone, tablet, or computer. There are also several ways to interact with Manta, including emailing, messaging, calling, and texting.

Facebook Business Page

Getting yourself a Business Page on Facebook is a great way to connect with customers and help them learn more about your famous products and services. You can also use Facebook to promote special offers and events.

Aside from providing them with basic information, Facebook makes responding to questions and generating new business contacts simple. You can answer their questions through the Messenger app or by sending an email. When someone asks you a question, you can reply directly within the Messenger app or via email. If you want to ensure people see your response to consumer reviews, you can include a link to your Facebook Page.

For new brands, you’ll need to go through an automated verification process that requires you to answer a few questions. After completing this step, you’ll receive a phone call from Facebook asking you to confirm that you are indeed the brand owner.

Aside from offering them basic information, Facebook makes it a cinch to respond to messages and consumer reviews and help you generate appliance repair leads in one location.


Nextdoor is one of many social networks focused on communities. Its name is derived from the fact that it allows people to connect based on where they live. Nextdoor’s app is designed to give businesses access to local consumers. Users can sign up for free and create profiles for themselves and their companies. Businesses can use its upscale features to post deals, events, and promotions to reach potential customers nearby.

The Nextdoor app connects people within a certain radius of each other. So you can use it like Facebook Messenger, where you can send messages to nearby friends. But unlike Facebook Messenger, Nextdoor allows you to post photos, videos, and text.

In addition to posting, you can also request information about a neighbor considered one of your appliance repair leads, such as what they are selling or the asking price. For example, if you want to fix an automatic washing machine, you can list it on the site. And if someone needs help, you can ask questions directly to the person.

Post Pictures about Your Business Online

Pictures speak a thousand words. Unfortunately, when it comes to getting found online, there’s nothing like pictures. If you’ve ever been to a restaurant, you probably saw a menu posted outside the establishment. A menu is just one-way restaurants attract potential patrons, and it works because people want to read about food, not look at it.

The same principle applies to appliance repair leads. If you’re trying to promote your business, why not post a photo of your products or services? People love seeing images of things they might buy or use, and they’ll often go to a site to learn more about a product or service based solely on the image. In fact, according to a study conducted by HubSpot, photos account for over 50% of web traffic.

You can still use this powerful tactic if you don’t have a website. Just think about how often you’ve searched for something on Google without clicking on a single ad. Chances are, you did this because you already knew what you wanted.

Offer Tailored Services to Your Potential Clients

Offering personalized customer service shows that your business cares about your customer and that you’re willing to exceed above and beyond in ensuring their satisfaction. Customers appreciate being treated like individuals rather than just another number on a list. They want to know that you listen to what they say and understand their needs. This type of interaction helps build trust and makes your customer feel special.

Customers love receiving discounts because it allows them to save money without having to ask permission. RetailMeNot found that 73% of consumers prefer getting discounts over asking permission. So, to make your customers happy, offer discounts to those loyal to you.

To End

Looking for market opportunities for your appliance repair business doesn’t have to cost so much initially. Do you need some support for your digital marketing strategy for your appliance repair business? Join the All Access membership today so we can assist you better.